This was the temperature showing on my car thermometer when we left Afton to drive home this afternoon. And yet there were plenty of intrepid visitors, using all manner of transportation, traveling Route 66 today. One was even bicycling across Route 66! He was a small man, all muscle, dripping in sweat, HUGE pack on his back, and when asked from whence he came, he indicated he had no home. I wish I'd taken a picture of him.
Instead, I took several photos of Tattoo Man which will be used in an upcoming newspaper article about him. I don't want to scoop the publication, so I won't mention its name. When the article comes out, I'll post a link.

Ron M., Tattoo Man, and I greeted 23 visitors. They included these two cute little girls and their parents in this 1957 Studebaker Scotsman from Buckeye, Arizona.

There was this young man, his two sisters, and parents from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He was quite thrilled with the penny smasher.

Another young man from Frisco, Texas managed to convince his parents that he required a squashed penny, too. It's so exciting to see how many younger families with kids are traveling Route 66 this summer!

And, other visitors came from Esslinger Germany, McAllen TX, Little Rock AR, Hagerstown MD, Kennewick WA, and Bremen Germany.
Ron M. took this nice picture of the Huppmobile.

We all survived the sweltering day, and I'll be back in Afton tomorrow to meet many more folks.
The Studebaker Scotsman was the last car to sell for less than $1000.
Mike, The owners told me it was the cheapest car you could buy at the time, but I didn't realize it cost less than $1000! Wow!
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