Just when you think you're going to sit around Afton Station all Sunday without a single visitor, an absolutely delightful family from Brisbane, Australia comes through the door and brightens an otherwise boring day. Like all Aussies, this father, mother, and two young sons were full of enthusiasm for their full Route 66 trip. They started in California, spent 5 days at Disneyland (one of them free, "on the house", from John Lassiter himself!), and have made their way as far as Oklahoma. Upon finishing the Route 66 portion of their adventure, they will spend two weeks in New York City, a great way to have the kids spend their summer vacation. We really enjoyed meeting the family. Unfortunately, after they left we had no further visitors, so Ron M. and I left about a half hour early. We did have a short visit from Betty, our only other break from the tedium of the day.
Progress is being made on the newest building going up around the corner from Afton Station. We still don't know what it will be used for, but we're very curious!
__________________Newtown, CT is just a few miles from our former lake house. The horrible events there have hit close to home. It's a beautiful small peaceful Connecticut town, full of colonial-era buildings and lovely homes. It isn't a place where one would expect such violence. Then again, none of us are immune to such an event, are we? I add my condolences to those of millions of others in this country and others. Just plain sad.