I'm sure that on these long summer days, some of you are looking for a little diversion. How about a few games of Hangman? You probably remember it from childhood. Back in 2004, when the International Route 66 Festival was held in Tulsa, we used this little game, put together by Brad Nickson, on our festival site. Perhaps you'd enjoy testing your knowledge of Route 66. Give it a try. It's not very difficult, and all words are related in some way to Route 66. Just a little gift from Afton Station!
That's fun, and I even won! :)
Beth -- Of course you won! You're smart and you know your Route 66. Welcome home!
First time, I nearly got hung until it gave me a hint, "He's the Father of Route 66".
The second time, I got it, "Kingman Arizona".
A long lost game, wonder if kids every play it now.
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