I was supposed to meet with David today, but he's sick in bed so that was postponed until Thursday. Again -- things don't always go as planned. [Sigh....]
It was an outstanding day at Afton Station nonetheless. Marly was there for most of the day and was especially helpful when it was time to close up and go home. Our visitors came from Blackpool England, Vinita OK, Chicago IL, Archer City TX, Lancaster VA, Homer Glen IL, Ramona OK, Haasrode Belgium, Dennison TX, Bristol England, and Joplin MO.
The Joplin folks were our Route 66 friends Vanessa and Abe Ezekowitz, who were in the area seeking photos of National Register properties. The gentleman from Belgium came to Afton Station for a visit last February and returned to show Route 66 to his college-age son this summer. The couple from Bristol, England stayed for a while. She is a teacher, and we had a good discussion about the differences and (mostly) similarities in education in our two countries. I really enjoyed them. Here they are:
Marly and I closed up quickly at 3:30 and I headed for home. Here's proof from my car thermometer that it was just a bit warm today. I took this as I was leaving Afton. Whew! (Also note the ridiculous number of miles I've racked up on my car in the past not-quite-four years!)
I hope that woman is okay. And I hope they can visit sometime.
I see I'm finally being a good influence on you. You're listening to AM 740, a Conservative talk-radio station that carries Rush Limbaugh's show. Are you learning from his "Talent on loan from GODDDD?"?
I hope she/he is ok, too. Not sure if it was a man or woman, but a senior citizen falling is bad news usually.
Now, as for 740 AM.... Two reasons why I listen to that station. For one thing,Howard Stern is on vacation this week. Also I listen in the morning to get the news and weather, but turn it off after 7 a.m. when "that other stuff" comes on. LOL!
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