We were also visited by these two German guys who are now living in the Canary Islands (Spain). They, like many of our other visitors today, arrived on motorcycles. After a couple of weeks of having so few motorcycle visitors that we were beginning to think we'd been shunned by the whole biker community, today a large number of bikers stopped in. In general, the people who visited today seemed less daunted by the heat wave. It was a couple of degrees cooler today (102 on my car thermometer), but even one or two degrees seemed to elevate moods in general.
A cute young couple from Northampton, England came in this unique van decorated like chintz fabric, with flowers all over it. They're driving across Route 66 in this UNairconditioned vehicle and camping in it at night. Whew, hot! They were perspiring a bit, but perfectly happy with their trip so far.
We also had visitors from Claremore OK, Livingston TX, Riverside CA, San Antonio TX, Tulsa OK, Fort Sill OK, St. Paul KS, Frederick SD, Escanada MI, Olney MD, Adair OK, Pratt KS, and Grove OK.
Here, the gentleman from Olney, MD takes a photo of his wife in the DeSoto. We really enjoyed their visit.
Ron M., Tattoo Man, and Betty W. were with me for most of the day. Home now, but tomorrow is another day and I, for one, can't wait for it!
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