Drizzled all day. . . and COLD, too! March has reared its ugly head again. It's spring, but it's not spring. As a result of the truly unpleasant day, we only had 4 visitors today. That's one more guest than workers, since Ron M. and Tattoo Man were both with me at Afton Station today. Our guests came from Sallisaw and Muskogee, OK. The little 7-year-old girl from Muskogee was adorable, with missing teeth and all. However, I failed to take her picture. It was that kind of day. So, there will be no photos today, and precious little text, either.
Tomorrow, I'll have some news about a couple of great Route 66 books I purchased yesterday. There will also be news about a British film company that's coming to Afton Station tomorrow morning. So, things should be much more interesting then, and the weather improved too, I hope.
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