It wasn't an overly busy day at Afton Station today. Nine visitors came from Colorado Springs, CO, Tulsa OK, Dubuque IA and Paxton, MA. I was particularly thrilled when the Massachusettes couple told me they stopped in because she's been reading this blog and felt she already knew us. That's never happened before, but that's what this blog is all about, so I was excited that my writing had lured these nice people to the Station. And since she plans to continue to read the blog, I insisted on taking their picture so they can see themselves here when they next turn on their computer. Here 'ya go, Debra!
The two women from Oklahoma City were the owner of a travel agency and one of the tour directors at the agency. They were scouting the state for places to include on several bus tours in the future. Since they were quite impressed with Afton Station, they plan to put it on future itineraries. Yippee!
The lone visitor from Colorado Springs, CO was on a motorcycle. He was taking his Route 66 trip in honor of his deceased father, who had always wanted to make the trip himself, but was never able to do so. He was doing well, considering the teeming rain through which he was forced to drive this morning. The Tulsa gentleman was a state worker who had passed the Station many times and finally had time to stop. He had a great interest in preservation.
On the way out of Afton this afternoon, we stopped to take a final photo of the water tower, which is finished. The name AFTON has been returned to the tower, but it sure would have been nicer to see a big Route 66 shield up there! At any rate, it's all spruced up and painted now, and that's a step in the right direction. Now there are TWO things in Afton with paint on them -- the water tower and Afton Station! :-)
P.S. Yesterday, when David was at the Station, he had two visitors from Tokyo! That's always exciting. He had a few others as well.
Where can I get that CD? I love music that makes me want to hit the road!
"Running on Empty", by Jackson Brown.
"Running Down a Dream", by Tom Petty.
"On The Road Again", by Willie Nelson.
"Midnight Rider", by the Allman Brothers.
"Midnight Highway", by Southern Pacific.
All are among songs that make me want to just hit the road.
If you can wait, I will probably have them at Afton Station after they come to visit. Or come to the concert yourself and get them from the band itself. Or... their website is They might sell them there. It's really fun music and will certainly want to to get out on the road!
That's cool that someone was reading your blog and made sure to stop by! Slowly but surely, I think you'll see more of that! Word DO get around. ;) Hugs, Beth
I appreciate the labor you have put in developing this blog. Nice and informative.
This is the day (Aug. 20th) that we went through Oklahoma City, OK on our way back home. Yes we were on Route 40. We didn't even know you existed then but we had tasted Route 66 on our trek on the Harley from northern NY to CA and back and we fell in love with it.
Now the planning of our TOTAL Route 66 trip in Aug of 2010 is oh so much fun and excitement builds which will hopefully help endure another northern NY winter.
The fall leaves are gorgeous though so no matter where we are we have beauty if we will "SEE" it.
Thanks again for your blog. I will be finishing reading through today and enjoying every minute.
Susie in northern NY
Oh and I 'so' love all of your photos. Love the stories, love the visitors, love your helpers.
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