Memorabilia from the old Campbell 66 Express Co. (which was on Route 66 in Springfield, MO) and their trademark "Snortin' Norton" camel are prized "finds" for every true Route 66 collector. So, you can imagine my surprise and delight when Bruce Crim, a former employee there and a top collector of the memorabilia, came for a visit to Afton Station today. He came with his wife Linda, who until today was only known to me as Miss Dazey on Facebook and Twitter. She has been a faithful reader of this blog for a long time and we've frequently emailed about the blog. They stopped in to meet us in person, and Bruce presented me with a whole bag filled with Campbell 66 goodies! I am thrilled, and I'm already thinking of how I plan to display it in the showroom. Here he is modeling my new Snortin' Norton cap and a piece of advertising memorabilia from the company. There were a lot more goodies in the bag, too. Thank you so much, and it was delightful meeting both of you! Here is Bruce's site explaining the history of the company.
Welcome to the New Campbell 66 Express
The first of our 19 visitors today came on this motorcycle which will be on the road for almost 4 months before the couple arrives home to Yacolt, Washington. They're traveling west now on the last leg of their trip, and they plan to do all of Route 66 until they get to California.

We also met this young couple from Bedfordshire, England. They are enjoying their very first Route 66 experience. Here they are chatting with one of our frequent Afton friends.

Others who visited today came from Pontiac IL, Claremore OK, Chelsea OK, Norman OK, Coffeyville KS, and Houston, TX. Friends from Afton, Reuben and Colleen Tipton (also known as the dear folks who give us the
most awesome corn every summer) stopped in and they, too, had gifts for me. I now have a neat Route 66 bracelet and a Route 66 magnet which is already at rest on my fridge. Thanks, Tiptons!
I'm putting this picture here despite the fact that I believe I've already done so once or twice. I just want to let you know that the "Welcome to Afton" sign is still broken and the part that says "Afton" is still on the ground. And, we are still wondering when the town is going to take care of this problem. We have been told that it would be "taken care of". We're still waiting, and we're not sure if we'd get in trouble if we took matters into our own hands. Seems to me that a town should be proud to announce itself as people roll in.
Laurel, it was great fun to meet you and Ron. You both are super nice, and Afton Station just as I imagined. Except there were more cars..lovely classics.
Mr. Bruce talked to his brother this evening, Bruce would tell about one of your cars, and of course, they knew someone who used to have that car. Men and the memories, they never forget a car.
Thanks again for posting Bruce's picture.
Believe me, the pleasure was ours! So great to meet you in person. And those Campbell 66 gifts. . . all I can say is WOW! Thanks for your visit. Hope you will both come back again soon.
I remember seeing those trucks on the highways. I mostly remember how funny that camel looked.
I meant to ask you if Afton Station is on Facebook? And how did you get that car in the front room of the place?
I have had a fun time browsing your sites. Hi to Ron.
Hi, MissDazey! Very nice to have met both of you yesterday! Y'all come back now, 'ya hear? :-)
Miss Dazey -- Afton Station has a Facebook page at "Afton Station Fan Page". I answered your other question in an email.
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