For a long time, I've been dragging my feet on an important Afton Station project -- making identifying signs to put in front of the vintage cars in the showrooms. Well,
finally (and many thanks to Marly for doing research), I finished the signs last night and Ron M. and I put them in the frames and placed them at the foot of each car today. It's a long-overdue courtesy for our visitors, since I don't always know the answers to questions about what's under the hood of each cars.

However, this extreme vintage car enthusiast (below), with his family, was first through the door after the signs were in place. And of course, he managed to ask me at least a half dozen questions that I
still couldn't answer! Sigh. . .

They were nevertheless an absolutely delightful family (mom, dad, adult son) who came to see us on their motorcycles from Manhattan, Kansas. They certainly brightened our morning and reminded me how much I still need to learn about cylinders, horsepower, superchargers, and other matters automotive.
Meanwhile, Ron M. was busy trying out my brand new camera. It's a little red Nikon Coolpix, and so far I love it. He took this interesting shot of one of the old cars out back with the macro feature. Not bad!

Ron "Tattoo Man" Jones was with us for most of the day, and in the afternoon we had a visit from Dave Emerson from Kansas City KS, publisher of the Route 66 Yellow Pages. Mike Wheat from Pryor OK, a frequent visitor, stopped in and brought me a very cool Blue Swallow cap! We had very pleasant visits with all three. Throughout the day, we only saw 10 visitors. Those not already mentioned were from Kansas City MO, Kimberling City MO, and Lewisville, TX.
I suppose people feel that if you run the museum you're automatically an expert on cars.
Can you tell the spark plug gap and how many degrees off of top-dead-center to set the spark on the Citroen 2CV?
Hmm...I'm guessing the spark plug gap is about 5 miles, which is about the same gap that's in my knowledge when somebody asks me about spark plug gaps. Degrees off center? About 180, like in my brain. :-)
Vintage cars are always awesome. Even owning one of them is something to be proud of.
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