Sunday, September 20, 2015

From Far and Wide

This was one of those days at Afton Station when there were more foreign visitors than domestic visitors.  I'm always astounded by the numbers of folks from other countries who show such an interest in our dear Mother Road.  They are always so enthusiastic and inquisitive, which makes our days anything but boring.

Today, they came from Milan Italy, Copenhagen Denmark, Johannesburg South Africa, Normady France, Budapest Hungary, and a number of towns is New Zealand.   American visitors were from Warsaw Missouri, Galena Kansas, and Akron, Ohio.
 Gentlemen from Copenhagen
 A couple from Milan
 Happy travelers from South Africa

The New Zealanders came in a group via Harleys.  There were 13 in the group, and as it turns out, a few in the group were from Budapest.  We don't know how Hungarians got hooked up with a Kiwi tour, but I'll bet the story is interesting.

Our Route 66 friend Brenda St. Clair has been visiting in Kansas for a few days and drove over to see us today.  She was able to stay for an hour or two and we enjoyed exchanging stories about what has happened since our last meeting.  It's always nice to visit with Brenda.
Another great Route 66 weekend is complete.   Once again, it was a most satisfying couple of days.

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