From here on, there are likely to be badly labeled photos and some seriously unspecific captions, since all 37 visitors arrived at the door at approximately the same time. I confess to losing track of who came with who, a serious malfunction when one is trying to run a welcome center. I apologize for anyone who is mislabeled. Ron M. took lots of great photos, but it's my fault for not taking good notes to accompany them.
I was able to chat for a few minutes with this animated pair, Peter and Alistaire Matheson from Inverness, Scotland. The father and son are traveling together and are having such a great time. Would you believe that last year the father traversed the British Isles and other European nations on a Massey Ferguson tractor? The 8000 mile trek took 5 1/2 months to complete! See more about this feat at Facebook, "Tractor Bumble 2014". What an adventure!
Alistaire found the last remaining space for signing on our work room wall.
We also had unexpected visits from the Illiana Antique Auto Club from Illinois and Indiana, and at the same time from the Mustang Club of Southeast Virginia. All the folks mingled and a young couple from Saville, Spain also driving a Mustang joined in the conversation. There is nothing is more rewarding than seeing folks from all over the world meeting and sharing their impressions of Route 66.
Some interesting cars came our way today. . .
These two ladies, sisters from Mustang, OK and Columbus, OH. stopped in a little later in the afternoon. . . 
. . . plus our friend Dave Emerson, producer of the immense and intricate Route 66 Atlas. I haven't seen him all year so it was nice to catch up.
There were also visitors from Los Angeles CA, Traverse City MI, London UK, Kansas City MO, Tulsa OK, and Dayton OH. Ron M. and I had a lot of fun with all these folks today, and I'm delighted to be tired but happy tonight. I can't wait until Saturday!
1 comment:
What an exciting day. Just about too much fun!
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