On my day off from Afton Station, I took a walk (ok, a drive) through the park near my neighborhood and was blown away, as I am every year, by the colorful displays of tulips planted there. Since so many folks are suffering from unseasonable and unwelcome snow today, I thought I'd post this just to show that spring really IS here and your tulips should be popping their heads up through the snow any time now.

So far, I haven't been hit with the the huge urge to go back to Afton Station on Tuesdays. I'm still experimenting with taking a day off, and so far I'm enjoying it and getting a lot done around the house that wouldn't otherwise get done until December when I close the Station's doors for the winter. (I'm also binge-watching Breaking Bad, which I've wanted to see for a long time.) You never know, however. I keep thinking about people who may be traveling through Afton today and are met with a CLOSED sign on the door, and I feel terrible about missing them. In my heart, I much prefer to be open 7 days a week, so we shall see....
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