One week from tomorrow,
Saturday, September 3, is
Afton Route 66 Cleanup Day! Plans are going well. We have most of the food arranged, and one man in town has managed, despite a rather serious illness, to contact property owners on Route 66 to get permission to come on their land and remove debris and overgrown brush. One burned out house has already been razed and the remains are being hauled away. A citizen with a brush hog has volunteered his services to clear land. So far, the town seems to be behind the effort.
Remember, we will start at 7 a.m. with coffee and donuts at Afton Station. At noon, there will be hot dogs and side dishes (bring one!) for lunch. Water and other drinks will be available all day at the Station. All of this is free for those who pitch in and work. You must sign up prior to the day, if possible, at the Station. If you're from out of town, just let me know here on the blog if you plan to come and that will be good enough for me. Also, let me know what kind of work you'd like to perform on that day. I'll put you on the list. Hope to see you next Saturday!
Disclaimer: Although it's mighty cute, this is not the Afton Cleanup Day shirt. We don't have one. I stole this one from Google Images. :-)
I'll be headed that way next Saturday... I'll be solo...
Glad you can come!! It will be great to see you, and I promise I won't work you too hard... maybe. . .
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