This was a day of coincidences all the way around, but the most amazing one was this. To preface, we have very few visitors from the African continent. VERY few. So, today one of our first visitors was a gentleman from Ruetenburg, S. Africa. Not five minutes after he arrived, a family from Windhoek, Namibia came through the door. There was no prior contact between these folks until they met at Afton Station. Then, not much later, a man from Tunis, Tunisia arrived. He, too, had no relationship with the earlier visitors. Unbelievable! Must have been African Day at Afton Station!
Here is the family from Namibia and, on the far left, the traveler from S. Africa. Wish the fellow from Tunis had arrived by the time this picture was taken.

The African invasion was the mere tip of the iceberg. It was a wildly busy day, with 51 visitors from all over the place. They were from Paris France, Milan Italy, Prairie Grove AR, Kansas City MO, Arizona City AZ, and Vinita, Monkey Island, Stillwater, Miami, and Bixby, OK. Here, the solo traveler from Arizona gets her kicks by sitting in the DeSoto.

And then, toward the end of the day, the rumble of motorcycles heralded the approach of a large group. In roared 20 motorcycle tourists from all over France, being led by a man representing "All Ways on Wheels", a French tour company. They were awfully nice folks, and the good news is that another group from "All Ways on Wheels" will visit Afton Station tomorrow! Here are some of the French folks taking a good look at the cars.

Remember that retro TV set from the '50s or '60s that sat on the sidewalk across the street from Afton Station for over a year? Well, we now own it! Long story. Just know that we didn't steal it, pilfer it, or attain it in any illegal way. And we didn't pay a cent for it! It needs a good cleaning and waxing, but then it will sit in one of our showrooms to bring back some memories.
Today, Ron M. and I cleared a space on one wall where the Waldmire mural will be hung. If all goes well, Phil and Marly will hang it tomorrow. I can't wait!!!!
Here are the two photos missing from yesterday's post. Ron M. managed to retrieve them from my SD Memory card. He's a genius! This is the tower in Tulsa with the man who climbed up three days ago, and for all I know, is still there. The sunrise in the background was lovely.
This is the daughter, and her husband, of the runner who participated in the 1928 Transcontinental Footrace on Route 66.
So you won the TV by using the words Africa and iceberg in the same sentence. Don't get smug. The next secret phrase will be even tougher.
Now this is the kind of day you were thinking about when you started Afton Station, isn't it? Enthusiastic and appreciative visitors from all over the U.S.A., from Africa and Europe! Looking forward to hanging a Bob Waldmire original. A funky retro TV to add to the decor. Laurel, I want to be you!
Denny -- I said I didn't steal it or pilfer it. Did you notice that I didn't mention coersion, threat, kidnapping, or bodily harm. Just use your imagination!
Susan -- For sure, a great day at the Station! Come visit me some day up there and you might change your mind about wanting to be me. Then again, no you won't. :-)
Incidentally, Denny. . .I don't believe I used the word iceberg in any sentence, today or ever. You really need to be more observant when studying something as incredibly important as my blog posts. :-)
Denny -- I'm so embarrassed. I DID use the word iceberg! Duhhh! My excuse for this lapse of brains is that my computer is giving me fits today and I'm ready to blow it all to hell with any firearm I can lay my hands on. Grrrrr!
Well, you made me look and I see that I did goof in typing African, which was part of the secret phrase, without the 'n'. This means you qualify for free ammunition for use in computer modification. In the blessed name of Elvis, just let it blast.
You've had a visitor from an obscure island north of the Arctic Circle, now visitors from the Dark Continent, numerous visitors from Europe, Japan, etc.
You should mount a world map on your wall to keep track of how many different countries from which you've received visitors.
I second the map idea if you can find a spot for it.
I've been thinking about doing that for years, but I'm not sure I'd have space for it. I think I could, with map in hand, name all the countries who have visited. Maybe some day. . .
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