Laryngitis has overwhelmed me. Ok, the truth is that I still feel pretty awful all over. This is a doozie of a cold, and I can't wait until it's over! Forgive me, then, for making this a short post. Just the facts, Ma'am.
The guest of honor today was Cort Stevens, a Route 66 friend from Elgin, IL. He came late in the day but in time to see me handle the last minute crowds. He also got to meet Tattoo Man for the first time. The last time Cort came through, Tattoo wasn't around. Since I have a meeting this evening, Cort and I couldn't go out for dinner like we did last time. Good to see him, however, even briefly. Here are Tattoo and Cort.

This couple, Jim and Jinx from Danville, CA arrived in a red Corvette, that iconic car often equated with Route 66 trips. These folks were celebrating recent retirement by traversing the Mother Road in their sleek vehicle. Can't you tell just by their faces that they're having the time of their lives?

Two guys from Indiana arrived at around the same time, one from Bloomington and one from Greenwood. I snapped this photo as the two Hoosiers were comparing notes.

The remainder of our 28 visitors came from Del Valle CA, Sulphur OK, Newport News VA, San Antonio TX, Springfield MO, Rowich TX, Providence Village TX, Denmark, Hutchinson KS, and Bernice, Afton, and Claremore, OK.
That's all for today. I'm off to my meeting.
So that's Cort. I hope one day I can shake hands with him.
Lauren, I've had laryngitis more times than I can count, at least when I was a kid! It stinks. Though I'm not sure whether or not it HELPED, drinking warm tea loaded up with tons of honey and lemon made me feel a little better.
Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you are feeling better.
Happy Birthday Laurel. :)
Hoosiers rock! ;) You'll have a couple more coming your way next year!
Feel better soon, Laurel. :)
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