I've had it with rain, cold, gloom, and very few visitors at Afton Station. So, today I decided to put the Station up for sale. Within the hour, a gentleman from Slovenia named SLOOF LIRPA came in and bought it on the spot. So, bye bye folks. I'm outta here.
Oh, and incidentally. . . Happy April Fools Day!
While your decision to sell is rather shocking, the speed with which Mr Lirpa made the purchase was to be expected. A Sloof and his money are soon parted.
Happy Fool's Day.
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, and I are forming a consortium to buy it. Michael Savage and Bill O'Reilley will operate it.
April Fool
Denny - You crack me up every time! You're no loof!
Susan - Thanks!
Trevor -Makes sense that that consortium would develop on April FOOLS day! But didn't you forget my other favorite, Michelle Bachman? :-)
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