Here's the plan. Instead of driving up to Afton tomorrow, coming back home, then driving back up on Sunday as usual, Ron M. and I have decided to take a mini-mini-vacation. It involves getting a couple of rooms at the Afton Route 66 Motel and staying over tomorrow night. Granted, it's not very exciting as vacations go, but at least when we close Afton Station tomorrow there'll be a whole evening to do some exploring of things we've wanted to see in the Afton/Miami area, have a nice dinner out, and rest up from the big motorcycle gig tomorrow. Then, of course, there's the Road Crew concert on Sunday. All this is just to explain why you probably won't hear from me again until Sunday night, unless I decide to drag my laptop along and take advantage of the wifi at the motel. By Sunday, I should have a lot to tell about this big Afton Station weekend.
Noooo, not the purple roses! Auughhh! LOL
Enjoy your weekend and good luck at the station!
Have a great weekend. :)
Mini-Vacations Rock :o)
Speaking of rocking....Laurel got the ELVIS ROOM at the motel! Thankyouverymuch! LOL!
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