And since we've had a little snow here in Oklahoma, there is a fine chance that Afton Station won't be open tomorrow. The road conditions aren't ideal for an 85-mile drive, the temperatures tomorrow are supposed to range from 5 to20 degrees, and there's enough snow on the ground to make me stubborn about walking around in it. Furthermore, I seriously doubt there will be many, if any, travelers out there this weekend. (In the case that there are, please call me early (918-382-9465) so that I can find someone who lives closer to open up for you.)
I apologize for my grinchiness. I really just want to hibernate. I hope you understand. And if you are roaming around this weekend, please be cautious on the roads.
Your Grinchiness about snowy weather is understandable, Laurel. Afton Station is a long commute from Tulsa that, though a pleasant drive on a day with good weather, must seem an unnecessary risk to drive in treacherous icy conditions. I have a different POV about this weather. SNOW DAY!!! As long as I have power, I'm delighted to stay in my warm home and enjoy the view out my window.
Susan -- Now that I've decided not to go to Afton tomorrow, I'm starting to think of this is my own form of SNOW DAY!!! There's plenty I need to do at home, so I'll make the most of a day off.
You are so right about snow! People seem surprised to hear me, a Michigander, say that, but...it's true. Also, LL Bean commercials portraying snow and winter as delightful should...well, I hate to ban anything, but those make the power of banning tempting.
Hope you enjoyed your snow day!
Jen -- So pleased to know there's another snow-despiser around. And from Michigan, no less! Well, I grew up in snowy Cleveland, cheerfully cavorting in 5-foot snow drifts, but I was a kid then and didn't know any better. Anyway, your comment led me to your blog, which I'd never checked out before, despite enjoying your visit to Afton Station several years ago. I still remember -- and admire -- your '50 style!
"Snow serves no immediate purpose that rain can't serve just as well."
Perhaps technically true but whereas almost anyone can make a snowman, it takes someone of Dustin Hoffman's caliber to make a Rainman.
Ok, Gibson... you got me on that one! Hee hee...
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