Today was a bit quieter, but I didn't mind at all. I've been dealing with a few little problems, the kind that take a lot more trouble to fix than they're really worth. For example, on Sunday a truck kicked up a pebble on my windshield, causing a lovely crack in my less-than-year-old window. The fixer came to Afton today to repair it, but the replacement windshield he brought wasn't quite right, so it's back to the drawing board. In the meantime, the crack keeps traveling across the windshield and is now about 16 inches long. Hopefully, it will be fixed on Thursday.
The security guy came today to fix whatever is making the alarm go off so often with no provocation. When I finally left tonight, he and David were still at the Station trying to work out the problem.
On the home front, the battery on the smoke detector on my cathedral ceilinged bedroom died last Thursday. I've been sleeping with ear-splitting BEEPS every 35 seconds for 4 nights. Finally yesterday I was able to hire a handyman with an extra long ladder to take care of the problem. Ahhh, uninterrupted sleep again!
But enough about my little difficulties. . . Today there were 21 visitors taking advantage of one of the finest days we've had in this part of the country in months. Sunny and cool with a chance of smiles! Travelers who visited were from Coon Valley WI, Cedar Vale KS, Faucett MO, Grove OK, Fairland OK, and Kinna Sweden and Brussels Belgium.
Although the Swedish contingent was doing its mother roading in a rented SUV, their major passion back home is restoring and riding antique Honda motorcycles. They came armed with some beautiful photos of their rides with equally lovely landscapes in the background. 
These young Belgian couples were doing part of Route 66 during a loop beginning and ending in Dallas, TX.
This photo doesn't have much to do with anything, but I had to snap a pic of the gaggle of roofers on top of the Holiday Inn when I went past on my way to Afton this morning.

1 comment:
Fantastic post! Just now i scanned this fabulous article, i have to say this translation is awesome, it turned out beautifully!
Business Letters
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