This was a day of special guests at Afton Station. In the morning Denny Gibson from Cincinnati OH, my very favorite trip blogger, stopped in on his way home from a long trek across the country in which he attended the 2011 Lincoln Highway Conference in Lake Tahoe and did a good bit of touring on his own as well. I always love to see Denny and hear the well-articulated stories of his travels. I was pleased that he could stay a while and wasn't in a rush. Hurry back, Denny!

Late in the day, extreme newlyweds (married less than a full day) Kara and Joe Foster stopped in on their way out west for their Route 66 honeymoon trip. They were married yesterday at Red Oak in Missouri, truly a Mother Road occasion. Congratulations to them, and so nice to see them looking so happy. In this photo, they're holding a rare Buffalo Ranch glass they brought to me!

These folks from LaMesa, TX were super enthusiastic and really wanted their photo taken in front of our gas pumps. They're doing a partial Route 66 tour and will go as far as time allows.

This gorgeous little girl has visited with her parents from Afton before. Talk about photogenic! Today, she visited with her mother and her aunt who is visiting from Harrison, NJ. She proudly showed off her brand new teeth!

The day went from serene to hectic. When Denny was here, we had the luxury of a couple of hours of relative lack of interruption so we could talk at length. In the afternoon, things fired up and it got downright crazy just as Ron M. and I were leaving. Unfortunately, I had to turn at least 5 people away because we'd already locked up and activated the alarms. I hate it when that happens, but I had to be home in time to meet the plumber, as I'm having a bit of a plumbing crisis at my house. Of course, now I'm home, and the plumber still hasn't shown up. Figures!
There were other visitors today too. They came from Owasso OK, Adelaide Australia, Papillion NE, Wichita KS and Afton and Tulsa, OK.
The latest issue of the AAA publication, Home and Away, has an almost unbelievably accurate and wonderful 2-page feature article about . . . Afton Station!! If I can find an online version, I'll post it here later. I'm quite thrilled by this very special publicity for the Station.
Ron M. just found the AAA magazine article online. You can see it at:
1 comment:
What a great 3rd of July you had today at Afton Station and what a terrific article in the AAA Magazine. Hope that reminds travelers who aren't traveling 66 that they can jump of the Interstate at selected spots and enjoy a taste of the Highway That's the Best.
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