A few glimpses of sunshine, a little respite from bone-chilling cold, some dry roads amidst others which sport hard lumps of ice which do their best to throw one over into the oncoming lane if one doesn't keep hands firmly on the steering wheel, the near-forgotten memory of what green grass looks like, melting icicles dripping from every eaves, uncollected garbage lining most streets in town, the hope that the next predicted snowfall will not materialize. This has been my week. Throw in a head cold that makes me feel a little bit lightheaded, as well as an advanced case of cabin fever. I've had better weeks.
I've been out and about, but even behind the wheel of my car I feel closed in by snow. It never felt like this back in Connecticut, for some reason. Here in Oklahoma, it just doesn't feel right. I miss Afton Station, and I still have no idea if the roads are decent between here and there, or if the Station parking lot is even negotiable. It makes me feel negligent, until I tell myself that it's doubtful that there are very many Route 66 travelers out there anyway. Schools around here have been closed for a week, and there's no end in sight. My goal is "Afton by Saturday". The jury is still out on that, but I'm hoping.
I've heard some forcasts are that there could be an early spring, though.
I sure hope so.
I've made it through the entire blog and have just read your current posting! What a remarkable chronicle of the rise of Afton Station to its rightful place as a Must Do stop on Route 66. Your observations of life in Oklahoma, particularly your concerned comments about the fragile nature of Afton's future, are fascinating reading. It's easy to see why readers who have been with you from the beginning are still with you. On the other hand, I feel lucky to have had the experience of reading so many entries in a short period of time. It's been like reading a book. A book?! You know, that's not a bad idea!
We went to Little Tin Barn the other day to buy a mermaid for the pond (because nothing says "time to shop for lawn ornaments" quite like thigh-high snowdrifts), and 66 was definitely passable. We didn't go as far as Afton, but I got the impression that the state had done a pretty decent job of clearing the major highways. Of course, the crap falling out of the sky right now will render this report obsolete by morning, but I imagine 66 and 44 will be passable by Saturday.
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