There are a couple of Route 66 postcards which have been in my collection for a long time and are very intriguing, but the images are terribly faded. Today I decided to scan them and use the brightness and contrast features to try to bring up the images. I partially succeeded, but they're still not great.
Here is a very old image of Tucumcari Mountain in New Mexico. The sepia tones are actually rather beautiful.
This one was an enigma until I expanded it and darkened it. It's still strange, but it appears to be a sign saying "Cafe" on top of a large pile of ice or perhaps rock. According to the back of the card, it is located at Clines Corners, New Mexico.

Here is the Stonydell swimming pool on Route 66 in Arlington, MO.

Tomorrow, I will be heading west on Route 66 to the Interpretive Center in Chandler, OK to deliver the postcard display I've finally finished. If all goes well, I'm hoping we can do a little poking around in places I haven't been lately, although I'm not sure where that will be. Ron M. is going with me, so we'll make a day of it. When the display is put up there, I hope to get photos of it all stretched out on the wall.
The most difficult aspect of tomorrow's day trip is resisting the urge to just keep driving. I haven't been to Tucumcari for a long time.
Yeah, I guess Tucumcari would be a bit too much but I'm thinking you don't have to turn around until the Arcadia Barn or Pops or Johnnie's Grill or Lucille's or...
Amarillo would make for a nice days drive...
Becky - Unfortunately, by 'one day', I mean I have to get there and get home again in the same day due to medical treatment every other day here in Tulsa. So Amarillo would be a little bit out of that range, I think. Wish I could, though. I'd love to visit with you!
Denny - Depending on how much time it takes at the Interpretive Center to receive the accolades and praise for my project (kidding!) we might head for Lucille's. Haven't been there for a while. As you know, ANYWHERE is just fine with me!
The Route 66 Museum in Clinton would make a nice outing.
Or the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. Or the 45th Infantry Museum on 36th Street.
Or you can run up to Guthrie. That big Masonic Temple is interesting. They have the actual pen used by President Theodore Roosevelt to make Oklahoma a state. It's made from an eagle feather.
As it turned out, we didn't have time for any of those, Trevor. I've seen them all, but I wouldn't mind visiting them again. Next time.
It looks like your cards are in beautiful shape. The photographs are so sharp and clear!
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