Woe is me! I'm resorting to Maxine to express my feelings about this morning. The temperature is minus-something here in lovely, sunny Tulsa, Oklahoma. The warm-up will begin tomorrow, thankfully. David called last night to tell me not to even bother trying to get to Afton Station this weekend. They had about 20 inches of snow yesterday, over top of what was left of the two feet they had previously. Not much chance of clearing the parking lot by the weekend, he said. I was worried about the flat roof collapsing, but he said it seems to be holding up ok. I won't necessarily heed any of the warnings from David, of course, because people who are suffering from a high degree of acute cabin fever can't be trusted to be sensible. That's me.
By not going to Afton, what I'm losing in revenue I'm making up for in less gasoline usage. I'm trying to look on the bright side.
More later, perhaps.
I was in Afton today. Your parking lot is a mess, but if David has a blade, I think he could clear it fairly quickly. The main roads are in good shape. I don't think Afton and Miami got anywhere close to the snowfall they had down around Jay and Grove. I suspect there was some lake-effect snow going on closer to the water.
David has a monster snow blower, but it's at his house and too big to put on the truck to take to Afton. Besides, the pipes are frozen, so no bathroom facilities available. I'll give it a few days before I try to open up. I might drive up there anyway, just to fight cabin fever, though.
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