One thing I've always wished for on Blogger is the ability for the reader to enlarge photos I post here in order to see up-close details. As yet, I haven't found a way to do that. Today, I took some of my real photo postcards and cropped them very close so that details become as large as I can get them here. I chose the theme of gas pumps, but there are some very nifty old trailers in some of the photos, too.
Perhaps you can enlarge them yourselves. They're pretty cool -- two Texacos, a Mobligas, a Phillips, and a Cities Service. Have fun. I have to go sweep the snow off of my porch.

Great photos Laurel, thanks for sharing big hugs
Cool pictures!
I'm glad to hear you're staying warm.
Don't worry. In just one more month the cruisers will come out of hibernation.
Beautiful! By the way, I finished American Signs and enjoyed it very much!
In order to get your photos to embiggen, you need to link to where they're stored (mine are on Picasa). I've only done it once, and I really can't remember how to do it again. I'm sorry I'm not more help. :/
However, it was something I was able to figure out at the time, and you're every bit as computer savvy as I am, so I know you can do it. I think when you're posting on Blogger, there is an option as to how you want to add the picture. I'd start there. Good luck!
Great photos, thanks for scanning and posting em!
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