This one was from 1953, when I was 7 years old, and traveling with my folks in Florida. I wasn't very articulate, but oh, the memories!

Next, another one from Miami, this time in 1956 when I was 10. I was a creature of very few words, but I still had a big interest in lodging places. The iconic Eden Roc Hotel had opened just a few weeks before we arrived in Miami Beach, so we got to take a tour.

Skip to 1960, on one of my many trips with a dad who had an obsession with history, particularly the Civil War. We visited tons of battlefields over the years, but I'm pretty sure I was more intrigued by the swimming and miniature golf!

I have remarked in the past that the best times of my life were spent on the road. I just wish Sue had found a few postcards from our many Route 66 trips. She indicated that she has some more, so we'll see. I can't believe she saved all these. You're not a hoarder, are you, Sue? Ha ha!
Now for a very cool mystery. Yesterday at Afton Station Ron M. was leafing through his latest issue of Shutterbug Magazine when I heard him utter "Omigod!" Why? Because this is what he found there:

Cool how she kept those for 60 years.
One of my best friends, my deaf friend Robin West, has been like a sister to me for about 25 years.
You've probably already thought of this, but in case not--There's a Contact tab at the top of the Shutterbug home page with several phone numbers and e-mail addresses. They might not give you the photographer's personal information, but maybe they'd be willing to pass your contact info to him along with a request to get in touch. In addition to making a very nice postcard, that photo would look great as a framed print.
Excellent idea, Susan. I'll give it a try. I'm just very interested in thanking the photographer for the interesting view of Afton Station and hoping he'll give me the opportunity to use it.
That is amazing :o)
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