Actually, that's not being very fair to the 9 visitors who did come in today, since all of them were delightful and much appreciated. A lady who drives the escort vehicle for wide loads stopped in for a short break and stayed for quite a long time. She was on her way from Tulsa to Indiana, but lives in California. She spends almost all of her time on the road escorting wide load trucks. Betty came for a while, and shortly after she got there, six of her old friends dropped by. The family group consisted of Betty's friends from Afton and their daughter and her husband from Anchorage, Alaska, as well as the two grown grandchildren, also from Anchorage. What a nice family! Finally, a great couple from Boston, MA dropped by on their way west to California on Route 66 in celebration of their 5th anniversary. Once everyone left, I had the entire afternoon to myself. Bo-ring!!!!! I used the time to make some more small pins, Windex the front door and all the display cases, and make my grocery list for tomorrow. [ Several of us are going to see "Julie and Julia" at the matinee on Wed., and I've invited them back to my house afterwards for a Julia Child meal. Should be fun. I need to start entertaining more often.]
After we left yesterday, Marly stayed at the Station until 5 p.m. and greeted 8 more guests, folks from Plano TX, Lutz FL, Sarasota FL, and Paris, France. All in all, yesterday was extremely busy!
Here's a neat '50s-style gas station in Vinita. Although it's now a detail shop, I met a gentleman the other day who would like to buy it and restore it. I hope that happens! With that dramatic canopy, it could be a really special destination and photo op.
I have always said I wouldn't get political at all on this blog, but I've just got to say this because it's making me crazy. I just finished reading Facebook entries for today, and some of the intentional dispersal of misinformation and rumor-mongering that's going on there and elsewhere is getting way out of hand. Isn't it time we acknowledge the intelligence and level-headednesss of our current administration which, from everything I have observed, has nothing but our nation's best interests at heart?
"Isn't it time we acknowledge the intelligence and level-headednesss of our current administration which, from everything I have observed, has nothing but our nation's best interests at heart? "
I, respectfully, disagree. But, that said, we can go back to being friends and fellow Roadies.
Where I work, there are days that I spend all day surfing the web and never open my tool bag. Then, there are days that I barely have time to chew my lunch because stuff is breaking all over the place.
Then there are days, too, that I go home exhausted, but for the life of me I can't think of what I actually did!
Of course those who disagree can still be friends of each other and friends of the road. I knew I'd get some replies about this, but I was just boiling inside.
I know what you mean about busy days vs long, boring days. Both of them are exhausting!
Oh no, we jinxed you with discussion of all your visitors! :)
I've posted this link on Facebook, and I'm encouraging my like-minded friends to repost:
Hugs, Beth
Depending on my mood I either ignore the silly over exaggerations, or provide them with a link to the correct info. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but on Facebook EVERYONE is given a forum. Fact or fiction plays no part. Then those who don't, or won't, educate themselves about the topic will believe whatever is put in front of them. That is the nonsense that drives me to madness from time to time.
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