. . . and so much happens in your absence! I was back at Afton Station today, and it was great to be there. Ron M. was with me, and Marly and Phil were there even before we arrived. They were entertaining our first four guests while I got my wits together and tried to remember what I was supposed to do first. Eventually Marly and Phil left to go on another job, and I got my brain (and some bookwork) organized and settled in to what turned out to be a relatively quiet and enjoyable day.
Our visitors today came from Newcastle Australia, Springdale AR, Bothall WA, Davenport IA, and Oklahoma City, OK. The Aussies were a father and son duo who are doing their second Route 66 trip, having been on the Route last year as well. They plan to come back next summer for one more round. Good on them!
This couple, the Zanzigs from Bothall, WA are traveling with a quilt which their daughter made. They're having photos of the quilt taken at each of their stops. The quilt is beautiful, and its theme is the State of Washington. I guess their daughter wants them to be constantly reminded that eventually they're going to have to go home!

The showrooms are looking great! Marly and Phil must have been doing a lot of polishing while I was gone. Ron M. took this super photo of most of the front showroom today. Nice!

While I was gone, we had a visit from Anne Slanina, a professor of early childhood education at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. She was here once before, on her trip across Route 66 doing research for her new book ,"Annie Mouse's Route 66 Adventure". She dropped off a copy, and I'm enchanted! What a great, and extremely comprehensive, book for young children who are anticipating a trip on Route 66, or for parents who want to encourage such a trip. It's illustrated with both photos and drawings. Check it out at
www.anniemousebooks.com. It's one of several children's books that Anne has written.

Well, now. . . go away for a week and a potential competitor sets up shop next door! We were met with this sign in the vacant lot just west of Afton Station. Marly tells me the proprietors, two women who have had businesses in town in the past, are putting the two freight containers (visible in the photo) together and stretching a roof between them. Inside, according to the sign, they will have coffee, cappucino, sandwiches, BBQ, souvenirs, memorabilia, gifts, etc. etc. Looks like it might take some time to put the whole thing together, but we were impressed by the nice sign. A store in two freight containers sounds like it could be awfully hot, but I wish them well in their endeavor.

Notes from last week left by Robin, Phil, and Marly, as well as guest book entries, indicate that we had visitors from Brazil, Finland, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Michigan, California, Georgia, W. Virginia, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Iowa, Kentucky, N. Carolina, Indiana, Kansas, Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, and a number of towns in Oklahoma. There were also bicycle riders and their chase vehicle who are going from Amarillo, TX to Chicago, 1216 miles in 15 days. I'm so very sorry to have missed all these fine folks!!!
I would like to get that book, and that one about the pigeon flying over Route 66, for Hunter and Heather.
I actually thought about Hunter and Heather when I was considering kids that would be at the right age for the book. You can get it on the author's website or you can get it from me when I eventually start selling them, but I'm not sure how soon that will happen.
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