I didn't know until today, while driving down Admiral Place (one of the old alignments of Route 66 in Tulsa), that we were the home to the World Peace Monument! Furthermore, who knew that it was made out of BOWLING BALLS? As I stopped and gazed in awe at this magnificent tribute to harmony in the world, I couldn't help but wonder: What the heck do bowling balls have to do with peace? But hey, anything that tries to bring people together all over the world is just fine with me.

If you wish to contribute your old bowling ball to what I suspect is intended to be an ever-growing heap, the contact information is below.

Here's Jimmy Kimmel's interview with the builder from late last year. This is great! The builder even mentions Route 66!
YouTube - Jimmy Kimmel - Bowling Balls For Peace
And here is further explanation from the Tulsa World.
Tulsa World: Monument of faith
Laurel, After watching the YouTube offering, I don't know if I should use I-44 and go around Tulsa the next time or just drive fast through town so as not to get hit by a bowling ball ??? But then I would like to have my picture taken with that bird hat.....
Hahaha! Perhaps to go along with this "magnificent tribute to harmony in the world" he could erect a Bowling Shoe tree! Or just hang them on the fence. That would be attractive! :-)
Bob - When you come to Tulsa, I'll be sure to take you to meet the guy. I haven't met him myself, but would like to.
Ron - GREAT idea!!! Got any old bowling shoes???
A pile of old bowling balls for peace?
The Holy Bible does say there will be a time when men will turn swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks and people will not even learn the arts of war anymore.
But, I fail to see what bowling balls have to do with that.
Wouldn't a pile of guns be more appropriate? But, I hope he doesn't ruin a perfectly good rifle doing so.
Haha, that's pretty cool! I also don't get the connection, but a peace monument is just fine by me.
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