Saturday, May 19, 2012

About once a year. . .

. . . I reserve the right to be in a bad mood.   In nearly every case, the mood dissolves about midday, and that's what happened again today.  Slow days at Afton Station tend to freak me out, and after a pretty good opening, things slowed down and I retreated into my grouchy mood.  Later in the afternoon, however, things came back to life and I ended the day quite happy.

I think what bothers me more than anything is watching cars go by and drivers never even glancing left or right, especially cars with out-of-state license plates.  Someone suggested I put a huge pointing finger on a sign across the street saying "Free Car Museum Over There" or some such.  Maybe I will.  Meanwhile, I can only figure that people who drive through a little towns without bothering to check out their surroundings aren't my kind of people anyway.  

So, on to the good stuff.  Our first visitors were four people from Miami, OK who were out for a nice bike ride and were participating in the Oklahoma Passport Run, so there were lots of photos taken.

Shortly after, these two guys from Tulsa rode up on Harleys.  They, too, are participating in the Passport Run, as we are one of the 20 places from all over the state which everyone is required to visit.  I have a feeling we'll be meeting lots of nice people as a result of this activity, since it just started but will run until the end of November.
This couple from Cape Town, South Africa were the next visitors.  We have very few South African visitors, so to have two couples visit in one month is exciting.   I asked them what precipitated their trip, and they said that they did a part of Route 66 out west several years ago and hope to eventually do the whole thing
Other visitors today were from Berlin, Germany and Vinita and Bartlesville, OK.   Tomorrow will be busier, I think. We're starting the day very early with a film crew from the Globe Trekkers PBS show  coming to do a piece on the cars.   Marly will be around to help, as he was today.   I'm looking forward to another film experience.  They're always interesting.

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