Friday, May 18, 2012

I sure know how to pick 'em (NOT!)

Although every day on Route 66 is a good day in my opinion, when I want to show off Afton Station to friends, I always hope that it will be one of those amazing days, packed with visitors from all over the world, interesting people with interesting stories.

Thus, I was anticipating all of that when I invited a Tulsa friend up to Afton to spend the day at the Station yesterday.  As it turned out, it was one of the most slow and boring days we've had in months.  We had a mere 8 visitors, and they were:

1)  the three guys who came to put waterproofing in one of the outbuildings,
2)  a local girl who comes in every few days asking for a free pop,
3)  a woman who was clearly on some mind-altering substance, asking if we could pump gas for her, and unable to comprehend that our pumps are vintage and it's been 30 - 40 years since they were operable,
4)  two nice young ladies from Springfield, MO who came just to find our geocache, and had to be talked into staying to see the cars and,
5) thankfully, Dennis from Pittsburgh, KS, a super nice guy who stops in every now and then, and whom I encouraged to sit and stay a while.  He was definitely one of the bright spots of the day.

The other bright spots were visits from Phil (who opened and closed for me again), Robin, Tattoo Man, and Betty.  

After closing, my Tulsa friend and I drove up to Joplin for dinner.  However, I took the opportunity to give him some Mother Road lessons, thus it took over two hours to drive 50 miles.  I showed him our new monument, we drove the Sidewalk Highway, I showed  him the Motorcycle Museum and Coleman Theater in Miami, the Mickey Mantle house and statue in Commerce, we drove through Picher and Cardin, I showed him the visitors' center in Baxter Springs KS, the Rainbow Bridge and Eisler Bros. in Riverton KS, we stopped to say a few words to Melba at 4 Women on the Route in Galena KS, and finally got to Joplin in time for a remarkably delicious meal at Mythos, a great Greek restaurant there.  He said he enjoyed the day very much.  I hope he meant it.  
Every time I drive up to Commerce, I'm more and more disappointed in the condition of Mickey Mantle's Boyhood Home.  I don't know the reason that it has been so neglected recently, but only hope that there are people in town who have restoration plans for it.

1 comment:

  1. It is odd that they're letting it fall into disrepair...I wonder who owns it?
