Sunday, May 20, 2012

There's no way. . .

. . . I can do justice to an extraordinary day like today if I have to rush through a blog post.  I got home late and I'm very, very tired.  Therefore, please come back tomorrow afternoon for a full explanation of this complex day at Afton Station.   See you then!



    Tune in tomorrow!

    I believe your exact words were: ". . . please come back tomorrow afternoon for a full explanation of this complex day at Afton Station."

    Excellent way to get our attention, Laurel. We'll all be back tomorrow afternoon--expecting something pretty wonderful. (No pressure.)

  2. Nothing THAT wonderful, Susan, just varied and emotionally taxing.

    By the way, Susan, I'm afraid you may not have received the email I sent thanking you for the corn pillows. Please let me know if you got it, or if perhaps I sent it to the wrong email address.

  3. I got it--no e-mail problems. Didn't think about it needing a reply, but rereading just now I realize there are a couple of points that, though not exactly questions, beg answers. See your e-mail.
