Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Hundred and Twelve in the Shade. . .

. . . and projected to go even higher in the next few days. It's oppressive. So much is being said about this local heat wave that I have nothing else to add, except that it's just plain HOT!
The latest addition to Route 66 in Afton, joining the abandoned pink bathtub and the abandoned '50s style TV console, is this 8-burner heavy duty commercial stove. What the heck?? Yep, people just dump things on the sidewalk here. This is what we look at when we gaze out the window of Afton Station. I can't wait until "Afton Route 66 Clean Up Day" on Sept. 3!!!!

Ron M. and I had 13 visitors today. They came from Broken Arrow OK, Perrysville OH, Walnut Creek CA, Mt. Joy PA, Norman OK, and Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. It was nice to see so many long distance travelers, although I felt sorry for the Manitoba folks who, coming from north of North Dakota, clearly aren't used to these crazy temperatures. They were doing fine, though.

These folks from Walnut Creek, CA had so much enthusiasm for their Route 66 trip that it was downright infectious! We enjoyed laughing and sharing stories with them.

I'm very excited about something that's being shipped to me this week. I won't let the cat out of the bag until it arrives safely at its destination, but I assure you it's something that will make Afton Station the envy of every tourist spot along Route 66. When it arrives, I'll supply full details.


  1. The thermometer in my Blazer said 112 when I left work. God Bless Willis Carrier for inventing air conditioning!
    An update on my arm. Today the doctor removed my splint and replaced it with a mechanical brace that permits limited movement. In a month he'll begin showing me some exercises to rebuild my arm, muscles, and range of motion.
    Thank you for Prayers.

  2. Sounds like you really racked up that arm! I'm glad to hear that you can move it a bit now. Is the injury affecting your work at all? I hope not. Try to keep cool!

  3. If that's a workable stove, it's worth a lot.
    ...and if it's not workable, but a known brand, it's likely worth even more.

    Sure you don't want to start serving up burgers? ;)
