Sunday, July 31, 2011

Not Discouraged

Ok, I'm over it. Yesterday's discouragement has melted in the heat and I'm back to being encouraged and happy today. It wasn't terribly busy at Afton Station today , but it was satisfying. "Busy" isn't always called for. I did a quick total of visitors for July, and we beat last July by over 50 visits. So, what am I complaining about? It's not about counting bodies coming in the door anyway. It's about giving those people big doses of good old Route 66 hospitality and helping them navigate the Mother Road. The bonus comes when I get to meet lots of new, cool people. The extra bonus is when they buy something or leave a donation to help out with the utilities. :-)

Today's 8 visitors came from Nowata OK, Livonia MI, Miami OK, Sainte-Agathe-les-Monts, Quebec Canada, and St. Louis, MO. The Nowata folks were driving this very cool '68 Plymouth. I love those gigantic, long '60s cars -- the kind with hoods so long you can barely see to front of the car.

On the other hand, here's our visitor from Quebec. He has an entirely different philosophy.

This is his THIRD Smart Car! His first two were deisel (only available in Canada), but this one is a gas model. The deisel models got about 100 mpg, but this one only gets about 90, he said!

Late in the day, our friend Jane Dippel from St. Louis came calling. It's always such a joy when she stops by on one of her long single-handed Route 66 trips out west. This time, Jane is meeting up with various family members out in Winslow, AZ and will be giving them one of her very own expert tours of Route 66 out there.

This photo is from May. I forgot to snap a pic of her this time.

So, that was our day at Afton Station. By "our", I mean Ron M. and me. He was helping out again today, and I've really come to depend on his help so very much. I don't give him enough credit, so here's some right now!


Thought for the Day: It's fascinating to work across the street from a hoarder. Just sayin'.


  1. Would be interesting to have a picture of that Plymouth and Smart Car together.

  2. According the EPA the SmartCar is only good for about 40 mpg.
