Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bedankt voor de klompen!

If you're one of my Dutch friends, you know the title is thanking you for the very nice gift I received from you. A Dutch motorcycle group, led by Dries Bessel, came through Afton yesterday. Due to a timing complication, I was unable to meet them at Afton Station. However, Robin, Phil, and Tattoo Man were there to greet them and give them a tour and a breath air conditioned air (the latter being what they apparently craved the most!). In return they bestowed upon me this pair of traditonal Dutch wooden shoes (klompen) adorned with the logo of the Netherlands Route 66 Association. A very thoughtful gift. They will be hung on the wall soon for all to see.Betty tried the shoes on and did a little klompen dance. Who could possibly deny that we constantly have interesting and entertaining days here at Afton Station?

In my absence, the crew visited with 26 folks from Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, and Spain. Sure wish I'd been there!

Although I wasn't present yesterday, I was in Afton today. Phil and Betty were also there to help out, and when I started feeling a bit under the weather around 1:30 and decided to leave, Phil was kind enough to stay until closing time at 3. I'm not sick. I'm just having some trouble with the muscles in my back and also feeling the effects of the continuous heat. I needed some down time.

It wasn't a busy day at all. Our 8 visitors came from Cape Girardeau MO, and Tahlequah and Grove, OK. Regular visitor Jon Edwards from Tahlequah brought his 8th grade grandson to see the cars. The gentleman from Cape Giardeau was on a motorcycle and although he was suffering from the heat, he kept us laughing the entire time he was there.

Enough for today. Saturday should be fun. Our Australian friend Dale Butel will be bringing another tour group for a visit. I really enjoy the visits from Aussies. They're always fun!


  1. I missed Dries. Too bad. I hope to shake hands with him one day.

    One of my best friends is from Cape Girardeau, MO. I once asked if she knew to most famous person to ever come from there, she didn't know.
    Rush Limbaugh is originally from there.

  2. I looked real hard to find someone more famous than Rush who came from Cape Girardeau, but I couldn't find anyone. You win. LOL!
