And boy oh boy, there were a lot of 'em! The Vintage Chevrolet group arrived at Afton Station yesterday around 4 p.m., fresh from a visit to the alpaca farm down the road. Forty-eight Chevys containing 82 adventurous folks, made an impressive parade down Route 66 as they rolled into Afton. And soon there were more Chevrolets around the Station than you could shake a stick shift at! Ron M., Marly, and I really enjoyed this talkative and enthusiastic group. They're spending 5 days in the area exploring Grand Lake and all of it's charms. We were told that they represented 8 states, and the cars were an eclectic mix of ages, models, and conditions, although all of them were beautiful and, obviously, driveable.
There was even a very beautiful Chevrolet fire truck. I wish I'd asked the age of this beauty, but I had my hands full inside the Station most of the time.
But Chevy people weren't the only visitors today. We also met and greeted travelers from Troy MI, Oklahoma City OK, Pottsdam Germany, Owasso OK, Fredricksburg Denmark, Somerville NJ, Grapevine TX, and Sarcoxie MO. Jack Owens, from Sarcoxie, is a regular reader of my blog, so I decided he needed to see himself here. Hi, Jack! Michael Wheat and his wife from Pryor OK also stopped by to see the Chevys. The last time he visited, we were hosting the Micro cars. Always good to see him.
Tattoo should have been there with his red, white, and blue '56.
Some great vintage vehicles :o)
Really enjoyed the visit ... Thanks Laurel
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