For those who scoffed the other day (and you know who you are!) while watching me attempt to make an origami bear out of a dollar bill -- voila! Ok, so it only took me two days to make it, but it's done. Ha ha. (If anyone wants to give me a $1000 bill, I'll make an origami model of the whole town of Afton. . . but I get to keep the bill!) You are all invited to come in and view the bear in person any time you want.
Wow, the morning at Afton Station was far too quiet for my tastes. It was a beautiful, cool day but there weren't even any birds singing. The guys across the street continue to dutifully pick through the rubble, and a new outcropping of flies seem to have invaded Afton Station. (GenX, I guess, the children of the Baby Boomer flies of early in the season). It's noon, and I've only seen four visitors so far. They were all men, and they were all much more interested in the cars than in the Route 66 collection. They came from Grove, OK and Rogers, AR.
The day ended with a mere 8 visitors altogether. Afternoon visitors were from Poteau, OK and two more from Grove. I was getting quite lonely and bored until Betty W. came in around 1 p.m. and kept me company for the remainder of the day. I enjoy quiet time, but not THAT much quiet time!
Laurel's Diner
We used to own a 40 acre place north of Luther. It had a LOOOONG driveway, about a 1/4 mile long.
Lim used to wonder why I would get up early on fall mornings, load a rifle, and go set in the woods. And I always returned happy even if I didn't shoot anything.
Then she started walking Hunter down to catch the school bus, and learned why I enjoy fall mornings. Even the foreign city-slicker she is, she found a fall morning is just the best morning there is.
". . .a fall morning is just the best morning there is."
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