Saturday, November 28, 2009

Back Where I Belong

Well, Thanksgiving is over, with not too much damage to my chemical balance! :-) I had a great time among dear friends. And yesterday, I managed to completely avoid Black Friday by going to dialysis. As I told several people, in my opinion even kidney dialysis is preferable to participating in the cattle stampede created by the promise of questionably-reasonable prices on semi-essential hardgoods. In other words, I have survived.

So, today it was back to what I really love to do -- Afton Station. Ron M. went with me, and it was a very serene and yet upbeat day. We had 8 visitors, not counting Betty, who is far more than just a visitor now. She hung out with us for a few hours, and we like that.

Our first visitors were waiting at the door when we arrived. I'm so glad we got there a bit early because they were very interesting visitors indeed. The family of four from the St. Louis, MO area were doing a little long weekend traveling on Route 66, searching for potential places to set up Gordon's (the dad) photo studio. I'd recently been introduced to Gordon's work, some of which can be viewed at Just as Ron and I were attempting to sell him on one of the buildings across the street, the owner of said buildings, Tommy Bassett, arrived on the scene and he and Gordon had a long talk. As for me, I have my fingers crossed for something to come of this.

Meanwhile, Gordon's two kids, a sixth grader and a fourth grader, amused themselves both inside and outside of the Station. If you want to feel really old, check out this photo of the little fourth grader being enchanted by the dial on our old dial telephone. She'd never seen one before! Oh, my creaky bones!Later in the day, a couple from Broken Arrow, OK stopped in, as well as travelers from Sydney, Australia. The Okies were doing a day trip, whereas the Aussies are embarking on a month-long odyssey covering a good bit of the United States. Yes, foreign visitors are still out there traveling!

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