Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Morning 2009

Beautiful day! From my porch -- lovely trees and the skyline of Tulsa.Serving dishes and stemware ready to go!

Watching the parade while getting food together.
Last-minute cooking.

Table set! Ready to go!

Wishing a wonderful Thanksgiving to all, and. . .

. . .one final thought. . .


  1. Beautiful! Can't wait! I'm bringing the Champagne!

  2. Hope you had an awesome day today :o)

  3. Hope you had a Blessed Thanksgiving!

    One of my best friends came down and shared our table. She said she hoped to do some more traveling this next summer. I gave her an Oklahoma Route 66 Tour Guide and recommended it. I told her about your place.

    So, if you see a deaf woman with dark hair named Robin West, I sent her.

  4. I bet you had a wonderful time! Oh, and could definitely see the topiary Tripper! :) Hugs, Beth
