Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cold outside, warm inside

I'm running out of words to describe days like today. Let's try "drab". After the beautiful weather yesterday, I wasn't prepared for the gloom of today. But that's Oklahoma for 'ya! Absolutely NO consistency. While the mercury dropped like a stone all day, I stayed relatively warm and cozy at Afton Station. Before visitors started arriving, I managed to get most of my Christmas cards addressed. Then, the travelers did come, and by the end of the day I'd had nine.

A family of 5 from South Korea (my first!) was doing a little Route 66ing over the holiday weekend. The dad is in Missouri on business and brought his family along. Not much English was spoken, but the two little girls sure liked Tripper. (The younger son was too camera shy to pose, however).
Two fellows from Muhlenberg, KY and Graham, KY made my day by buying copies of both Images I and Images II as well as several key tags. Sales have been terrible this month, so this purchase helped a lot. When they arrived, the guys were somewhat "ho hum" about Route 66, but they left as true believers. Score!

A mother from Miami, OK and her adult mentally-challenged son came in because the son loves to look at old cars. He showed his appreciation with many whoops and hollers and a huge smile on his face the whole time he was here. They're welcome to come back any time!

I may not be back in Afton until Thursday, such a long spell away from the place. If I can't stand it, I'll go up there on Tuesday if I get a lot of things on my to-do list at home done. Judging from the length of the to-do list, that's doubtful.

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