I never thought I'd learn to love the sound of a big line of bikers roaring past Afton Station. Clearly, I'd rather they stopped there, but just knowing they're out on the road, testing the first day of what appears to be spring, was good enough for me today. After a nasty and endless winter, followed by a drive to Afton this morning in blinding rain, it was such a joy for the sun to come out to bathe those intrepid bikers in its rays. However, as I said, very few of them stopped at the Station, and I can kind of understand that. Who wants to dismount and come into a building when you can be feeling the warm wind in your hair?
Other visitors were a man from Pekin, IL who was heading back home after a business trip and chose Route 66 as his path. He was behind schedule, which is common (or absolutely normal) for those who are captured by the Mother Road spirit. The next visitors were a couple from Milwaukee, WI who were going from Chicago to Flagstaff and they, too, chose Route 66. Then a gentleman from Claremore arrived to see the cars and ask if we had any Studebaker parts for sale. He's restoring one himself.
Finally, near the very end of the day, we had our first bikers! Five folks from the Motorcycle Museum in Miami (OK) drove over for a visit. They are excited about the change in the weather, too. They'll be having a booth at next weekend's Antique Sign and Advertising Show too, so we'll see more of them soon. Here are two of them inspecting the Thunderbird that's being raffled off later this summer. 
Big news! Our new signs came back from the printer. The old ones, which Marly spent so much time painting, fell to the ravages of the wind and weather. This time, we had them printed on metal and should stand up to the elements a lot better. Nice, aren't they?
It may be the same one but here's a web site where you can watch lots of old movies - http://www.classiccinemaonline.com/
I'm getting caught up on blogs today, and had to chuckle at your dissatisfaction with "spring," because it mirrors my own! Temperatures warmed up a bit this weekend, but there is the possibility for a little snow on some of these nights.
I went through a couple days a few weeks ago where I was horribly antsy with spring fever. I'm still feeling it, but it's not as bad as it was then. Finally, I was like, "Well, whatever. It will get here when it gets here!" But I'm so anxious for some nice weather, and I know that goes double for you, since nice weather is directly proportional to an increase in visitors!
Hang in there...before we know it, it will be hot and humid! XOXO
The site he gave me is internetarchive.org. I've only had a few moments to look at it, but there's a lot there. I'll also check the one you sent, and thank you for sending it1
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