Sunday, May 6, 2012

Morning After

It's early morning and I'm coming down off the high of having my daughter sleeping in my guest room, something I never would have dreamed at this time yesterday. We aren't really the kind of family that pulls a lot of surprises, which makes her unplanned visit even more special.  "I just felt like hanging out with you", she said.  Music to my ears!   Because of this unexpected event,  yesterday's blog post was minimal.  However, this morning I have a few minutes before I wake Sarah up in preparation for our trip back up to Afton Station, so I can fill you in on all the rest of what happened there yesterday.

Although I had plenty of friends drop in, visits from travelers were minimal in the morning.  Correction -- they were nonexistent!   Robin, Phil, Tattoo Man, Betty, and I sat around wondering where on earth all the Route 66 travelers were hiding, and why they weren't stopping to see us.   We did have that unexpected and pleasant visit from Brad and LaSandra Nickson, friends from Tulsa who were on their way up to Baxter Springs KS for the dedication of the  Route 66 marsh arch bridge there.  Brad is the Eastern V.P. of the OK Route 66 Association.  Could it be that everyone was in Kansas and that was why nobody was in Afton?  Could be.  Eventually, Tattoo Man left to head up to Baxter Springs, too.

After Sarah arrived, her dad David (my ex) and his son stopped by to visit with her for a while, and soon the travelers started coming in the door.  By the end of the day, we still had only visited with 7 folks, but they were a happy bunch.   Two jolly Aussie men traveling Route 66 "all the way" took the time to help David name his new puppy, an Australian Shepherd.  A gentleman and his wife from Champlin MN spent a lot of time in the car museum.  He has a very comprehensive website which lists and reviews every antique car museum in this country.  When I find the URL for the website, I'll post it here.  We also had visitors from Belton, England, Fairland OK, and Joplin MO.

Last night we got home in time to watch the Kentucky Derby and have a couple of hastily-put-together mint juleps (a drink I truly detest, but which absolutely must be consumed on Derby day by every former Kentuckian like me), after which we had a phenomenally good dinner at the Wild Fork, one of the best restaurants in Tulsa.  What a great day!

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