Saturday, May 5, 2012

Huge Surprise

 This will be a very short blog, and I'll catch up with everything on Monday.  You see, at about noon, while I was sitting at Afton Station with Phil and Robin, who should walk in but MY DAUGHTER, who flew in for the weekend from Chicago to surprise me!   I was unbelievably surprised!  And now, I plan to spend every minute of the rest of the weekend with her.  Yippee... this is so much fun!
One other picture from today, another surprise.  Friends Brad and LaSandra dropped in to the Station unexpectedly on their way to an event in Kansas.  Great to see them!

1 comment:

  1. Noticed the later than usual time for your posting--but you certainly had a good excuse. In fact you should get extra points for posting at all on a day such as this. Hope you and Sarah have a glorious visit.
