Sunday, May 13, 2012

Maybe. . . Maybe Not

Today's Mother's Day weather couldn't have been more beautiful.  If every day of the year was exactly like this Oklahoma May day, I'd be a happy girl!   All the visitors to Afton Station seemed to be in good weather moods, too.  

One group of travelers has left me with a big question mark,  however.   Three great guys from the Netherlands dropped in on their Route 66 adventure.  We had a very nice visit and they enjoyed the cars.  They all spoke  near perfect English.   After leaving, I looked at the guest book and saw that one of them had written his name, Marco Borsato, then "I'm a famous Dutch singer and I love the USA!"  Hmm. . . I almost couldn't wait to get home to Google him.   Indeed, there is a famous Dutch singer named Marco Borsato.  But the photos online don't quite look like any of the three guys who visited.  I'm left with a maybe/maybe not dilemma.   Frankly, I think it was a joke.  I liked these guys a lot anyway.  (And Marco, if you see this, tell me the truth!)
We had our first visitors from the Republic of Belarus, at least the first in several years.   The two men in this photo are in the U.S. on a business seminar and are staying with the lady in the picture and her grandson, also pictured.  She has been showing them all the sights in the area, and from the list of where they've been, I think they're extremely lucky to have her as their hostess, as they've really covered all the important sites in northeast Oklahoma, including several Route 66 attractions, of course.  
 In all, we  had 18 visitors today, and the remainder were from Claremore OK, Springdale AR, Pawhuska OK, Zena OK, Grove OK, and Paris, France.

I'm getting a little worried about the sweet pup who has now spent a second day at Afton Station.  He's the best behaved dog I've ever met, and it seems he just needs love.  He's well fed, has collar with no identification, and shows no signs of having been abused.  He loves just sitting at our feet and being close to humans.  I'm hoping he belongs to someone in town who cares for him at night.   If he continues to hang around, I guess I'll put up some posters or contact Town Hall.    Meanwhile, if I were in the market for a dog, he'd be my first choice.
 I had help today from Phil and Tattoo Man.  I thank them profusely because on this pretty day I'm sure there were other things they could have been doing.

I hope all you mothers who are reading this have had a great day with your families.  My daughter Sarah just called me and we had a nice chat.  I wish she was here, but I feel tremendously lucky that she surprised me with a visit last weekend!
               The road home


  1. Here's an idea about your canine visitor--maybe a note from you attached to his collar asking whoever is feeding him to send back a note to assure you that he has a home. He could be lost or left behind and just bouncing back and forth between you and whoever is feeding him or he could have a loving home with a yard that he's escaping from and his people might not even know he's getting out. I had a dog years ago that escaped the yard daily after I left for work and was smart enough to return before I got home. One day I came home a couple of hours early and found her out of the yard. That's when a neighbor told me she'd be getting out every day for months! I lived 2 blocks off a very busy street where there was a sandwich shop and apparently my precious 120 pound Dane was going up there panhandling food!!!

  2. Susan,

    That's a wonderful idea and if "Spot" is still around tomorrow when I get to Afton, I'll do just that. Since he's obviously not looking for food, I still feel pretty sure he has a regular home. I'll put that note on him at my first opportunity. Thank you.

  3. Thank you very much from one of those Belarusian guys on your photo!

    The Afton Station is amazing! Your car collection is great! We also enjoyed a meeting with you so much!
