Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Can't Complain

No, I certainly can't.  There's absolutely no question that the unseasonably warm weather has increased the number of travelers on Route 66 this year.  We're showing numbers of visitors more like those we expect in June or July.  They're coming from everywhere, both in the U.S. and abroad.   For example, today our visitors came from Manchester WA, Birmingham AL, Dallas TX, Piqua OH, and Broken Arrow, Collinsville, and Oklahoma City, OK.  From other countries, they were from Ontario Canada, E. London South Africa, and Essex, England.  A very nice assortment, don't you think?

I know I always say the same thing, day after day.  Those who visited with us were all cheerful, interesting, and fun.  Believe me, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.  There's something about people in the midst of their Route 66 travels, whether it's a day trip or a three-month odyssey -- Route 66 grasps them just as it does those of us who work on Route 66 every day.  Some say there's a 9th state on Route 66 -- a State of Mind.
So, what more can I say about this most recent group of  Afton Station visitors?  I can't complain.  Not in the slightest!

I only took one photo of a visitor today, this gentleman from Manchester, Washington who couldn't resist the call of antique cars, despite his wife preferring to remain in the car.   He had a wonderful time and will be back in less than a year.  

 Robin and Phil are arrowhead hunters.  Yesterday they brought in their collection of slightly broken ones and I decided maybe it would be fun to try to sell them for them.  They're not sure yet if they want to sell any of their vast collection of perfect ones, but I can't help but think that these artifacts might interest foreign travelers who love any souvenirs of Native American life and the American West.  We shall see.

There was a lovely sunrise today, with the fiery ball emerging just as I arrived at my favorite stretch of Route 66.  Enjoy.
 I also happened to pass one of Tulsa's small art deco gems as I was leaving the city prior to sunrise this morning.  Here's the Tulsa Little Theater Building, just off Route 66.

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