Thursday, March 29, 2012

National Talking Day?

If there's a holiday called National Talking Day, I think this is it.   It seems that nearly all of our visitors at Afton Station had a lot to say.  We heard story after story.   It made the day go fairly quickly, although there wasn't much time to do anything other than listen.   A trucker from Eau Claire, WI had tales about Bonnie and Clyde and Al Capone.  A guy from Kansas City told us about all of his many vintage cars from years ranging from the '50s to the '70s.   An old friend from David's and my Eastern Packard Club days came for a visit from Marthasville, MO and brought a friend from St. Louis.  This cute little one-year-old came to visit with his mom, dad, and another man with is baby of about the same age.  The little guy was our only visitor who didn't have stories to tell!   When all was said and done (mostly said), we had 13 visitors.   Ron M. was with me all day.  Betty sat in for a couple of hours, and we're always so happy to see her.  David dropped in and stayed for a good bit of time, too.  Nice to see him.    
This was the first day when we could pull our chairs outside and sit watching the cars and trucks go by.  I wish more of them had come in, but it wasn't a bad day for a Thursday in March.   The temperature was in the mid-80s for most of the day.

Those of you who read this blog regularly know how often I talk about Marly, our friend and expert car restorer who works at the Station for David and me.   He hasn't been around much  for the past couple of weeks because he's been in Tulsa attending to his father, who was hospitalized there.  I'm sorry to say that is father passed away on Monday.  All of us at Afton Station offer our deepest condolences to Marly and his family.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your blogs and this one exemplifies the unique ability of the Mother Road to not only attract people from all over, but also create a down home feeling amongst everyone.
