Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's In The Can

I'm tired and it's late, so please forgive the lame play on words in the title of today's post.  The photo below will explain all.   Phil came to help me open Afton Station today and ended up staying all day.  And. . . he brought with him the item shown below.  Doesn't look like much, does it?  Well, it happens to be a very ancient toilet from an early railroad car!  Phil thought it would be perfect for the 1917 motorhome which lives in our museum.  I agree completely!   We put it in place, although we still need to get David's approval.  I'm sure he'll be thrilled.  When we got the motorhome, the only thing missing was a potty, despite the fact that there is a small bathroom space in the vehicle.   This one is a little rusty and needs some sprucing up, but it's very, very cool!  It doesn't flush, of course, but it adds a little something to the motorhome.
 The day began very slowly, so Phil and I had plenty of time to chat and do a few minor chores.  Things picked up just after noon, and by the end of the day we were visited by 10 travelers.  They came from Darien IL, Kansas City MO, Joplin MO, Ft. Worth TX, and Tulsa, Langley, and Pryor, OK.   You might recognize the fellow below, posing with his incredible 1970 Impala, which he's owned since high school!  He was at Afton Station on Saturday when we hosted the Joplin Corvette Club. This car has over 200,000 miles on it, all put on by Dennis himself.  He drove back to Afton today to photograph his baby in front of Afton Station.  He's also an avid reader of this blog, so "Hi again, Dennis!"
We haven't seen Mike Pendleton from Baxter Springs, KS for a while, but he dropped in today and it was so nice to see him.  He's the guy who never fails to stop for a brief visit every time he comes to Afton for his job, and that's usually about once a week.  Glad to see  you, Mike.

That's about it for today.   I'll be back on Thursday.

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