Tuesday, March 13, 2012


 I hadn't planned to go to Afton Station today, at least not until I received an email from Susan, my friend and loyal blog reader, indicating that she wanted to bring a friend visiting from N. Carolina to see the museum.   At first, I couldn't imagine getting everything done at home in time to drive there and meet them, but then I stopped and took a long look at what what's important in my life.  Something told me to go.  So, I did.

And I'm SO glad I  made the decision!  Not long after I arrived, just before 1 p.m., my friend and avid Route 66 traveler, Jane Dippel from St. Louis surprised my by walking through the door.  This morning, she decided to take a quick road trip to El Reno, and Afton Station was one of her stops.  I would have missed her if I'd chosen not to go.  Jane is an all-round great gal, and it's always fun to see her, if even for a fifteen minutes.
Although I hadn't turned on any of the "Open" signs or put out the flags, travelers started to arrive anyway!   A couple of guys on motorcycles, from Claremore and Catoosa, OK roared in and spent some very appreciative time looking at the cars.  A couple from Fargo, ND came next, followed by a family from Grass Valley, CA.   Their little boy, Nash, who is not even 2 years old, was incredibly precocious, and his parents have trained him right.  He was marching around saying "66...66...66", and when asked to pose for a photo, he said "Cheese!"  What a cutie!  His dad let him press a penny and he loved it. 
Susan and her friend LuBeth, who lives in Greenboro NC,  finally arrived at 2 p.m. and we had a great visit.   Susan is giving her childhood friend a great Route 66 tour similar to that which she gave her British friends last summer.  Susan is such a great Route 66 fan.  She brought me some extremely cool coasters which she made from Route 66 fabrics. Thank you, Susan.
All this unplanned activity surely was karma . . .and Susan, who was the catalyst for me opening up today.   I met some great people, and on top of that, I sold a quantity of merchandise approaching the most I've ever sold in one day!  


  1. Dear Laurel,
    Thank you for the extraordinary thing you did today, opening Afton Station when you had planned to do something entirely different with the day. Lu Beth and I appreciate it very much. We had fun from Galena to Tulsa but the highlight was Afton Station and visiting with you.

  2. This sounds like a marvelous place to visit and I hope to get there sometime!
