Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy Ides

The Ides of March is upon us, whatever that means.   Something about the phases of the moon in ancient Rome.  In our modern society the term means next to nothing, except that it's only two days until St. Patrick's Day.  And it made a nice title for this post.   Sorry.  

It was another busy day at Afton Station, for the most part.  The majority of our 13 guests came all at once, but that was OK.   Our first visitor was Dean "Crazy Legs" Walker, who stopped in on his way to Tulsa to participate in a quick draw competition.  Shortly after he left, the rest of visitors arrived.  

The first couple was from Cape Cod, MA and they were traveling a portion of Route 66, hoping to have time to do more in the future.  They'd been to Arizona Route 66 during past trips and some day hope to do it all.

Do you remember this car?  It was featured in a blog post last year when the owner, a gentleman from Vinita, OK brought it by shortly after he had it made in December.  

It's a replica of a 1937 Auburn Boattail Speedster.  This visit, he brought along his niece and her fiance on a visit just before their wedding.  They're from Mead, CO... and here they are.  
 About the same time, a father and his four young daughters from College Station, TX came in, followed by a couple from Kansas City, MO.   The rest of the afternoon was quiet, and Ron M. and I got some reading done.  Ron provides an endless supply of magazines for us to peruse, so we're never bored.  I also made two dozen magnets (come and get 'em!) and restocked the stickers I make.   The temperatures today were in the 70s and that, along with the increase in Route 66 travelers, makes me feel that I can safely say that summer is here -- just very early.

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