Saturday, November 19, 2011
We witnessed a sweet reunion at Afton Station today. Velida Palmer and her husband drove up from Tulsa to visit us and, more importantly, to visit Tripper! Velida is the artist who took a lump of fiberglass about 8 years ago and turned it into our beloved Route 66 penguin. Tripper has been photographed by thousands of tourists from all over the world since I bought him from the zoo all those many years ago. He's lived at Afton Station for several years, and before that he spent some time "on loan" to Route 66 Harley-Davidson in Tulsa. Since Velida last saw him, he's acquired a wheeled platform which allows him to be moved around from place to place. Velida was happy to see Tripper, and I know Tripper was thrilled by the visit. So was I. More of Velida's beautiful artwork can be seen at Check it out!
Robin, Afton Station's own Jewelry-Artist-In-Residence, has created some lovely bracelets made from our Afton Station pressed pennies. She has them in three sizes: Small for $6, Medium for $7, and Large for $8. They're available immediately at Afton Station. Come 'n get 'em!
Other visitors came in today, making it not nearly as boring a day as Ron M. and I had expected when we drove to Afton on a gloomy and very windy day. We had visits from 7 folks, from Joplin MO, Wagoner OK, Tulsa OK, and Bentonville, AR.
I received some nice photos of last weekend's monument dedication from photographer Rick Thompson. Tomorrow, I'll sort them out and publish a few here. Thanks, Rick!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Place Filler
I can't get used to NOT writing a blog post on a Thursday. But seriously, I don't have much to say, since I'm not in Afton today. So, as a filler, here's a photo of the beautiful color on the trees at the end of my street.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Welcome to my first day of "vacation"!
It's my first "day off" from my regular Afton Station summer schedule. I almost don't know what to do with myself. I ran errands and spent an inordinate amount of time in Target. It's been so long since I've been there -- years! -- that it felt like I was exploring a new universe. A pretty boring universe, actually. A Made in China universe. I'd rather be on Route 66.
Here are some more of the photos Ron M. took at the Monument Dedication on Saturday.

Brad begins his speech. Since the wind was so strong, he needed to use a megaphone.

Brad being interviewed by Rick Thompson of Cimarron Photo.
Long-time Afton citizens Melvin Berks and his wife chat with others.
Oklahoma Route 66 Association President Mike Hickey (right) speaks to OK Assoc. member Rick Schmigle.

Folks sign the guest book as I look on.
Marilyn Emde, OK Route 66 Association and Carolyn and Mike Pendleton of the KS Route 66 Association.
Betty Wheatley and her sister Marlene serve beverages.

Ron "Tattoo Man" Jones chats with Glenda Pike of the MO Route 66 Association.
Here are some more of the photos Ron M. took at the Monument Dedication on Saturday.
Brad begins his speech. Since the wind was so strong, he needed to use a megaphone.
Brad being interviewed by Rick Thompson of Cimarron Photo.
Oklahoma Route 66 Association President Mike Hickey (right) speaks to OK Assoc. member Rick Schmigle.
Folks sign the guest book as I look on.
Marilyn Emde, OK Route 66 Association and Carolyn and Mike Pendleton of the KS Route 66 Association.
Betty Wheatley and her sister Marlene serve beverages.
Ron "Tattoo Man" Jones chats with Glenda Pike of the MO Route 66 Association.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Video of Dedication
Two quick things to add to the post I just finished. . .
I just received this video from KOAM TV7 in Joplin, MO showing the monument dedication, and an interview with Brad Nickson, Eastern VP of the Oklahoma Route 66 Association. There's another story on the video, but it's just the first one that concerns the dedication..
Video - KOAM TV 7 Joplin and Pittsburg
Also, my blog layout magically corrected itself again. Sigh. . .
I just received this video from KOAM TV7 in Joplin, MO showing the monument dedication, and an interview with Brad Nickson, Eastern VP of the Oklahoma Route 66 Association. There's another story on the video, but it's just the first one that concerns the dedication..
Video - KOAM TV 7 Joplin and Pittsburg
Also, my blog layout magically corrected itself again. Sigh. . .
Listen here, Blog!
Hey, Blog! You've picked a fine time to go wacko on me! Every now and then, Blogger chooses to completely mess up the layout of my blog. Now, I'll admit that it could be operator error, however it seems to happen without my input. The unfortunate thing is that I'm not HTML-literate enough to fix it myself, so in trying to do so I often make it worse. Anyway, please excuse how "Ramblings. . ." looks right now. I'm working on a fix.
Meanwhile, we had an extremely slow day today. Ron M., Tattoo Man and I mostly sat around and read Christmas catalogues, if you want the truth. We also did some remaining cleanup from yesterday's festivities and ate up some of the leftovers, so the day wasn't excruciatingly slow. The guests we did have -- a father and son from Grove, OK and a couple from Tulsa, OK -- were great! The Tulsa couple consisted of transplants from New York State and Germany. Very nice people. Here they are:
I expect to have some more photos from the monument dedication ready to put on the blog tomorrow, and perhaps even a video. And now, check out this photo I snapped coming home tonight. It's Turkey Mountain in Tulsa. Fall color has finally arrived here!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Wow... Great Day!!!
As we had hoped it would be, today was glorious. The weather cooperated (except for a strong wind that didn't really bother anyone except those, like me, who were wearing skirts). The crowd was bigger than even I anticipated, about 70 for the monument dedication, maybe 40-45 who came back to Afton Station for the reception, then while many were still there, the group of 24 from the Eastern OK Mercedes Benz Club arrived in their neat old cars. It was party, party, party all day!
There were a few glitches -- an exploding 2 litre Coke bottle sprayed Coke all over, and I do mean ALL over, the room where we were setting up the refreshments. An iced cake landed upside down. One of the other cakes came out of the pan in crumbs. No sweat, though. All disasters were taken care of in no time.
We had Route 66 folks from Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri attend. Quite a few local citizens came too, including the Mayor of Afton. Brad Nickson, our OK Route 66 Association's Eastern VP, gave a great speech telling a bit of the history of the Ribbon Road and the monument program and thanking all the appropriate people.
There were also 11 other "drop in" travelers who came for a visit. They were from Wichita KS, Modesto CA, Riverton KS, Yukon OK, and Nottingham England.
Ron M. took many, many photos, but I don't have the time or energy to sort through them tonight. Over the next few days I'll get them in order and post more here. Meanwhile, here are a few.

There were a few glitches -- an exploding 2 litre Coke bottle sprayed Coke all over, and I do mean ALL over, the room where we were setting up the refreshments. An iced cake landed upside down. One of the other cakes came out of the pan in crumbs. No sweat, though. All disasters were taken care of in no time.
We had Route 66 folks from Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri attend. Quite a few local citizens came too, including the Mayor of Afton. Brad Nickson, our OK Route 66 Association's Eastern VP, gave a great speech telling a bit of the history of the Ribbon Road and the monument program and thanking all the appropriate people.
There were also 11 other "drop in" travelers who came for a visit. They were from Wichita KS, Modesto CA, Riverton KS, Yukon OK, and Nottingham England.
Ron M. took many, many photos, but I don't have the time or energy to sort through them tonight. Over the next few days I'll get them in order and post more here. Meanwhile, here are a few.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Preparations for the Weekend
Shortly after we arrived at Afton Station, Ron M. and I left and drove down to the Monument so I could stencil the posts. They turned out pretty good, not perfect, not even close to perfect, but they'll do. I didn't really have the right equipment and the wind was a bit uncooperative. Nevertheless, they're done. Marly watched the Station for the half hour that we were gone.
We also got everything else ready for Saturday's big event. We've received word that folks representing both the KS and MO Route 66 Associations will be attending, along with the Oklahoma contingent, of course. I hope that a number of Afton residents will come, too. The event will also be photographed by some professional photographers. Should be fun.
We only had five visitors today. A man from Oklahoma City dropped in, as did a couple from Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. They were in the area on their way to Texas and decided to do as much as possible on Route 66. Then, this stunningly attractive young couple from Genoa, Italy visited us on their very first trip to the U.S. They're exploring Route 66 as far as Las Vegas, then due to commitments back home they will not be able to finish the rest of the Route. Lovely people with a great attitude and appreciation of everything they've seen so far.
We only had five visitors today. A man from Oklahoma City dropped in, as did a couple from Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. They were in the area on their way to Texas and decided to do as much as possible on Route 66. Then, this stunningly attractive young couple from Genoa, Italy visited us on their very first trip to the U.S. They're exploring Route 66 as far as Las Vegas, then due to commitments back home they will not be able to finish the rest of the Route. Lovely people with a great attitude and appreciation of everything they've seen so far.
That's about all for today, but once again I want to mention that if you're anywhere near Afton on Saturday, please consider attending the monument dedication at 1 p.m. and the reception at Afton Station immediately thereafter. I'd love to see you!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
That Lemonade Thing
That's what I did today, during the L-O-N-G time alone between Visitor #1 (a gentleman from Dayton, Iowa) in the morning and Visitor #2 (a gentleman from Deer Creek, Oklahoma) who arrived just as I was packing up to leave. No offense to the visitors. Both were really great guys. But I have to say I enjoyed the down time, too.
I made a stencil which I hope to use to decorate the four iron poles with which surround the Ribbon Road monument. Although I'm extremely experienced in stencil making, I didn't have any of the right equipment with me (a sharp x-acto knife, stencil paper, a pane of glass on which to cut), so it turned out pretty primitive, but it's not horrible. It won't be blue on the posts. It's just that blue is the color I happened to have at the Station.
I used the drive home from Afton on Route 66 to appreciate the foliage. It was still dark and gloomy and spitting a bit of rain, but that's just how autumn tends to behave. The leaves were showing more color as a result of the moisture on them. By the time I got home, I'd made lemonade out of those lemons.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Earth-Shaking Day
Having been awakened from a sound sleep last night by a 5.6 earthquake, I figured the day couldn't get much more exciting after that. Wrong! It was my first earthquake. It fascinated me and didn't frighten me, and I now realize that the state of Oklahoma has got to be the epicenter of every single weird climatological and geological phenomenon on earth. LOL!
This family from El Reno, OK came to visit because Mom has been a loyal reader of my blog. That always makes me smile! Although it seems odd that perfect strangers know so much about it, I have to say that my blog is apparently attracting only the nicest people. This family was no exception.
The rest of the visitors came from Flower Mound TX, Prosper TX, Wahaunic IN, Orangevale CA, Bristol CT, Virginia Beach VA, Frederickburg TX, Broken Arrow OK, Vincennes IN, Nowata OK, Berkeley CA,, Tucson AZ, and Grove, OK.
But anyway. . . I arrived at Afton Station 45 minutes early, and there were already four people waiting at the door. Good start! They never stopped arriving, creating a full house all day. By the end of the day, I'd greeted 27 travelers, and most of them were on extended Route 66 trips. But more about that later. . .
We also had a visit from 17 members of a Japanese filming team which is traveling across Route 66 producing a travelogue for Japanese TV. They were mostly there to interview Tattoo Man, but they spent about two hours at the Station and filmed it from every angle, too. 

While they were there, a gentleman representing the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association arrived to shoot a video that will be distributed to new RV buyers. He remained for a long time too, and was especially interested in the 1917 RV in our showroom. I'm so pleased that the word about Route 66 and Afton Station is getting around to all corners of the world.
This past summer, we had a visit from a lovely young couple from Italy. Yesterday, I received this nice photo from them, along with a few more. It was so nice to hear that they had a great Route 66 trip.

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Did you ever throw a Clean-Up Day. . .
. . . and nobody came? Unlike the last Afton Clean-Up Day, which was quite well-attended, this one was pretty much of a fizzle. The chairman, D'Ann, showed up, as did a couple of other people, but only enough to form one team to go out and clean up one property. I had a 30-cup coffeemaker filled up and ready to go, but most of it went down the drain. Perhaps the cooler weather had something to do with it, or maybe it was the large number of local football games. But as you can see, D'Ann and one volunteer, Mike, are still smiling despite the disappointment.
Getting to the Station at 7:30 this morning (yes, Ron M. and I had to leave Tulsa before 6!), meant that we had a rare opportunity to photograph in the dark. Ron took these really nice pics.

Once we dismantled the cleanup paraphernalia we had some down time, but shortly thereafter the travelers started to arrive. By the end of the day, not counting the Aftonites who did show up for the cleanup, we had hosted visits by 14 folks. They originated from Washington IN, Cedaredge CO, Grove and Miami OK, and Stockholm, Sweden. Marly and Tattoo Man were both around for a while, too.
Getting to the Station at 7:30 this morning (yes, Ron M. and I had to leave Tulsa before 6!), meant that we had a rare opportunity to photograph in the dark. Ron took these really nice pics.
Tomorrow might turn out to be very interesting, so stay tuned. . .
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Page One, Above the Fold
Ok, so it's not the New York Times or Wall Street Journal, but we did make the front page of the Miami (OK) News-Record yesterday! The article announcing our upcoming Monument Dedication (Nov. 12) might boost attendance at the event. Now, let's see if the other local newspapers will come forward and give us some free publicity.
It was a slow day with only 7 visitors, but they were a good bunch. Two gentlemen from Tulsa drove up on a "fact finding mission" as they plan to organize a very large bicycle tour of Route 66. Although they intend to start small, with perhaps only a couple of hundred miles the first year, they hope to eventually extend the distance and grow the roster of participants until it becomes something like RAGBRAI, the famous ride across Iowa which often has tens of thousands of entrants. How cool it would be to have something like that come through Afton on Route 66. Start training!
A local lady named Clarissa came in to introduce herself. Although a recent resident of Afton, she has fond memories of the town from her childhood. She is attempting to start up a photo business in which she would offer to take photos of travelers in front of their cars (or our cars, or our building) and then imprint them upon mugs and other items. Sounds promising and we said we'd help her in any way we can.
Our other visitors came from Tulsa, Grove, and Salina, OK. One gentleman was especially interested in and knowledgable about Packards. All visits were pleasant and much appreciated. Even so, each day I see a reduction of visitors. Yesterday, Robin greeted 12 folks, but all were relatively local except for a party from Toronto, Canada.
Joe Sonderman was kind enough to allow me to use his image of the Buffalo Dill's sign. Buffalo Dill's was an Indian trading post back in the heyday of Route 66. It was located 9 miles east of Vinita, which would make it 6 miles west of Afton. That would put it at the bend known as Dead Man's Corner. I plan to find out more about it from locals. Interesting!
A local lady named Clarissa came in to introduce herself. Although a recent resident of Afton, she has fond memories of the town from her childhood. She is attempting to start up a photo business in which she would offer to take photos of travelers in front of their cars (or our cars, or our building) and then imprint them upon mugs and other items. Sounds promising and we said we'd help her in any way we can.
Our other visitors came from Tulsa, Grove, and Salina, OK. One gentleman was especially interested in and knowledgable about Packards. All visits were pleasant and much appreciated. Even so, each day I see a reduction of visitors. Yesterday, Robin greeted 12 folks, but all were relatively local except for a party from Toronto, Canada.
Joe Sonderman was kind enough to allow me to use his image of the Buffalo Dill's sign. Buffalo Dill's was an Indian trading post back in the heyday of Route 66. It was located 9 miles east of Vinita, which would make it 6 miles west of Afton. That would put it at the bend known as Dead Man's Corner. I plan to find out more about it from locals. Interesting!