Sunday, August 7, 2011

Perspiration Nation

When the temperature hovers in the 105-degree range and you have a place that welcomes motorcycle riders from all parts of the world, there's one thing you learn very quickly: Sweat is an worldwide phenomenon! We saw plenty of it today, since 15 of our 35 guests arrived via motorcycle, and they came from Switzerland, Spain, England, France, Australia, and the United States of America. Yes, we spoke the International Language of Sweat all day long.

The first group was an organized tour, but generally those tours are from a single country. This one, however, included 9 people from five different countries. They took welcome advantage of our a/c for a while, and while they were drying out, they purchased a number of our t-shirts. (Did I tell you that I'm now selling Anderson Productions t-shirts? Boy-oh-boy, I sure am! So far, I've sold 41 t-shirts in 7 days!)
Later in the day, a group of Harley riders from the U.S. stopped by. They were from Lynn MA, Redwood City CA, Union City CA, and Peabody MA. All were various family members and spouses taking a warm yet wonderful Route 66 ride.

Of course we also had visitors in automobiles, and they came from St. Joseph MO, Livonia MI, Barcelona Spain, and Tulsa, Miami, and Fairland, OK.

We found this pleasant message on our "work schedule" whiteboard in the work area of the Station. Apparently one of our visitors from the Netherlands wanted to express his/her enjoyment of his/her Route 66 trip. Love it!

Some disappointment today, however. An egg does NOT fry on Route 66 despite the 110-degree temperature! I'm devastated! Ron M. risked getting run down by a semi as he cracked this egg in the west-to-east lane in front of Afton Station. It hardened up a little, but never went all the way. What must we do? Wait until the thermometer finally hits 120 before we can expect to concoct a Mother Road Omelet? Bummer!

1 comment:

  1. Tell Ron to put out a dark-colored frying pan (one of the old-fashioned cast iron types). Let it sit out for a couple of hours, and then try the egg!

